My friend Chip and I have decided to join forces, and we're going to be doing a blog zine based on 90s hardcore over at Stuck In The Past ( We're arranging interviews with numerous participants from that era of hardcore, and our goal is to make Stuck In The Past just as awesome as the webzine over at Double Cross is. I'll try to make sure that all of the links to mp3s on this blog are kept current, but all new posts will be made over at A huge thanks goes out to everyone that has been a follower of this blog. I love keeping these old hardcore gems alive, and I plan to do so for a long time to come with along Chip.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Burn It Down

Burn It Down formed sometime in the mid 1990s, and came to an end in 2001. They were fronted by Ryan Downey who previously sang for Hardball and Warpath. He also spent some time editing and publishing Vanguard, the Hardline zine, after founder Sean Muttaqi decided to take some time away from it. I never got to see Burn It Down, because they broke up just before they were supposed to play Portland with Shadows Fall and In Flames, but I always heard that they put on a great live show. A majority of Burn It Down's discography is still in print (the Eat Sleep Mate Defend 10" is incredible!), but here is the out of print, self titled 7" that came out on Uprising Records in 1997.
Burn It Down - self titled
Uprising Records [1997]
Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Restrain were a straight edge band from Lee's Summit, Missouri, a suburb just outside of Kansas City. I've never gotten a full grip on if they were a vegan band or not, but judging from some of the lyrics, they were vegetarian at the least. From the cover art to the lyrics, one gets a real sense of straight edge militancy from Restrain on this 7", but one thing that you might not guess from that statement is that the singer of Restrain was Sean Ingram. Yes, that Sean Ingram. The one that fashioned a new reputation for himself by talking endless shit about straight edge in his next band, Coalesce. Released in 1993 on Chapter Records, this 7" is a good representation of what one would think of when they hear the term "90's vegan straight edge".
Restrain - Armageddon
Chapter Records [1993]
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
78 Days After Death
78 Days After Death were a metalcore band from Salt Lake City in the early 2000's. They arose from the ashes of a band called Deadfall, and played a style of metalcore tinged with black metal. I feel fortunate to have been able to play a handful of shows with them both in Utah and Oregon (although they had to cancel on a couple of Portland and Boise shows). As far as I'm concerned, 78 Days After Death can be placed among some of the other legendary SLC bands like Insight, Clear, Lifeless and Triphammer.

78 Days After Death - Skyfalls
Dark Vision Records [2000]

78 Days After Death - Too Much Is Forgotten...
Self Released [2001]

Upon checking, there are still a few copies of this 7" available at
Very Distro
I ripped these mp3s from the master cd of the 7" a few years ago when Clint brought it to me on a Cherem tour. It was scratched to shit, but I got a clean rip off of it. After moving a few times, I can no longer find that cd, so here's the old 192kb rip, as opposed to a V0 rip.
78 Days After Death/The Dead Unknown split 7"
Shattered Silence Records [2002]

78 Days After Death - Wasted Flesh & Untitled
xResolvex Records [2003]
78 Days After Death suffered from the same symptom that many bands do, seeing a revolving door of 2nd guitar players. Not too long after the songs for the aforementioned comp were recorded, the band broke up. Various reunion talks have floated around, but things seemed to get a little weird between the singer and the rest of the band. They almost did a reunion using the singer from Pushing Up Daisies, and even practiced with him once or twice. Billy and I also talked a few times about myself doing vocals for a reformed version of 78 Days After Death, but nothing ever materialized.
Billy also sang for Cherem and played guitar for Up River
Jake went onto play drums for Up River and Tamerlane
Monday, December 22, 2008
Let's go ahead and get this out up front, I love Grimlock! Over the years, I've noticed that people either seem to love or hate this band, and I reside on the love side of the coin. I never particularly took them too seriously, and I think that's what made me love their lyrics as well. Grimlock only played Portland once (in '97 if I remember correctly), and it was quite a show. The singer was spotted doing some pushups before the set, which can seem to be an odd sight. If you've never seen Grimlock, their singer John, was a small, but beefed up dude (see below)
Their set started off mild enough, but somewhere around the 2nd or 3rd song, John ripped his shirt off, and then proceeded to pick up my friend's little brother and throw him onto the crowd (I think the female singer of Berzerk took the brunt of the landing). Now the rage that seemed prevalent in their cd was at the forefront of the live show.
As far as I know, both of the labels that released Grimlock material are no longer functioning, so I'm going to present what I think is a complete Grimlock discography.
I don't really have any info about Grimlock's demo, but I acquired this recording from someone of the the message board on the SA Mob website. It has 3 songs, and is encoded at 320kb.
Grimlock - Demo 1995
Next came the Thirst For Immortality 7" in 1995 on Pin Drop Records. The 7" contains these 3 tracks:
Feed My Rage Mountain of Power Bring The Pain
I decided to not rip the 7", because all 3 songs are contained in the hidden track on the Songs of Self cd.
1997 brought the Songs of Self cd on Pin Drop Records as well. This is where Grimlock really started to come into their own. It includes such tracks as 24, about the hockey player Bobby Probert, and My Sins, which contains some of the most volatile lyrics I can really recall hearing, i.e. "break the bottle over your face. lay there and bleed bitch." and "I'll kill you...I'll kill fucking cunt."
On a sidenote, let's take a look at the picture on the inside of the cd insert:
Who is that guy near the bottom left of the picture, and why on Earth did they turn him into a cyclops?
I've always figured that their must be a backstory containing some major b33f.
Grimlock - Songs of Self Pin Drop Records [1997]
Crusades of Reality was Grimlock's first release on Life Sentence Records (based out of Salt Lake at the time). The monologue throught the song The Pain Game is of particular awesomeness. This EP contains 6 more songs of exceptionally heavy hardcore, although I always thought the production value wasn't as great as the previous record.
Grimlock - Crusades of Reality Life Sentence Records [1998]
Shortly after the release of Crusades of Reality, a split 7" with Rebirth came out on the SIH label from Japan. The only Grimlock track on the 7" though is Lamentation, which can already be found on Crusades of Reality. In 1999, after touring on behalf of the EP for Life Sentence, Grimlock broke up.
In 2003, Grimlock got back together, and recorded another EP for Life Sentence Records. Once again, they recorded 6 tracks, but the production on this record is great. This EP sounds heavy as can be, and John's vocals really got stepped up.
Grimlock - Crusher
Life Sentence Records [2003]
The Crusher cd was also an enhanced cd, which contained pictures, desktop wallpapers and a couple of quicktime videos. I extracted those files, and uploaded them here:
In 2005, Grimlock disbanded once again. I was really hoping they'd make their way to the Northwest one more time, but my dreams were squashed by their breakup. Life Sentence Records also seemed to disappear again around 2005/2006. The label's owner, Dan Gump, seemed to drop off the face of the Earth yet again (the same thing happened around 2000 when he then surfaced in, I think, Milwaukee). Numerous rumors have circled around Dan for many years, but I've heard that he actually sold out this time, which is too bad, because Excessive Force ruled! He was also a pretty nice guy the few times I met him while touring through SLC.

As far as I know, both of the labels that released Grimlock material are no longer functioning, so I'm going to present what I think is a complete Grimlock discography.
I don't really have any info about Grimlock's demo, but I acquired this recording from someone of the the message board on the SA Mob website. It has 3 songs, and is encoded at 320kb.
Grimlock - Demo 1995

Feed My Rage Mountain of Power Bring The Pain
I decided to not rip the 7", because all 3 songs are contained in the hidden track on the Songs of Self cd.

On a sidenote, let's take a look at the picture on the inside of the cd insert:

Grimlock - Songs of Self Pin Drop Records [1997]

Grimlock - Crusades of Reality Life Sentence Records [1998]

Grimlock - Crusher
Life Sentence Records [2003]
The Crusher cd was also an enhanced cd, which contained pictures, desktop wallpapers and a couple of quicktime videos. I extracted those files, and uploaded them here:
In 2005, Grimlock disbanded once again. I was really hoping they'd make their way to the Northwest one more time, but my dreams were squashed by their breakup. Life Sentence Records also seemed to disappear again around 2005/2006. The label's owner, Dan Gump, seemed to drop off the face of the Earth yet again (the same thing happened around 2000 when he then surfaced in, I think, Milwaukee). Numerous rumors have circled around Dan for many years, but I've heard that he actually sold out this time, which is too bad, because Excessive Force ruled! He was also a pretty nice guy the few times I met him while touring through SLC.
Friday, December 12, 2008
xReflectx - The Hourglass End

I first heard Reflect sometime in 2007 when someone directed me to their myspace page. Having some contact with their singer, Mike, via various message boards, I acquired a copy of their demo. The 3 songs on the demo were really good, but suffered from a poor recording. Fast forward to December 2008, and Reflect now have a full length out on the newly formed Skinned Elbow Records out of Salt Lake City. [On a sidenote: I love SLC hardcore. My old band, The Dead Unknown played Utah more than any other state outside of the Pacific Northwest, and I've developed some great friendships with members of some of the bands to come out of that scene.] Paypal isn't used by Skinned Elbow, so I got to put some well concealed cash into an envelope just like the good old days of mailorder hardcore. "The Hourglass End" showed up in my mailbox yesterday, and I absolutely love this new recording. Take 1 part 108, 2 parts Mean Season, a few eerie riffs reminiscent of Starkweather and a dash of Eyelid, and you should have a decent picture of what Reflect sound like. I can safely say that this is the most excited I've been about a newer band since the days of Make Move. What I'm getting at is that you should head over to to check out some of their new songs, and then head over to to get all the info you need to order a copy.
Hourglass & New Day Rising split

Here's another great release from the legendary Moo Cow Records. Hourglass and New Day Rising were two great bands from the 90s. Hourglass were from Buffaly, NY, and New Day Rising came out of Ontario, Canada. Both of them had a sound that ranged from the heavy, to moments of screaming punk rock abandon (NDR even throw in some emo elements). New Day Rising released what could only be called a plethora of material during their time together. A multitude of 7"s and splits, followed by a full length on Eulogy, and a discography cd on the same label. As far as I know, Hourglass only released this split and a 7" on Immigrant Sun prior to the split. I intend on ripping that Hourglass 7" sometime soon, because I always liked it even more than the songs on the CD. It's actually been quite some time since I've listened to this release, because it came in 7" size packaging, so it isn't filed away in the same manner that my other CDs are, but upon listening to it again, I remember why it used to get so much play on my stereo.
Hourglass & New Day Rising split
Moo Cow Records [1996]
Hourglass & New Day Rising split
Moo Cow Records [1996]
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Trial "Are These Our Lives?" 12" - Pre-Order

After years of being out of press, Trials "Are These Our Lives?" LP is available again on vinyl and mp3 download. Unlike the CD version, the 12" includes full artwork and LYRICS.
This 12" will be a limited press of 500.
250 on Brown Vinyl
250 on Maroon Vinyl
I highly suggest that everyone goes to pick up their copy of this re-press. When Trial reunited for 3 shows in 2005, EVR had the gall to do another press of this on CD, but without lyrics and full artwork. Can you imagine that? A Trial record without lyrics?!? Unless you can find a used copy with the full layout, skip buying the cd that EVR tried to capitalize on, and buy this 12" or digital download from Timm over at Panic Records.
This 12" will be a limited press of 500.
250 on Brown Vinyl
250 on Maroon Vinyl
I highly suggest that everyone goes to pick up their copy of this re-press. When Trial reunited for 3 shows in 2005, EVR had the gall to do another press of this on CD, but without lyrics and full artwork. Can you imagine that? A Trial record without lyrics?!? Unless you can find a used copy with the full layout, skip buying the cd that EVR tried to capitalize on, and buy this 12" or digital download from Timm over at Panic Records.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
So much can be said of Downcast. They played a major role in the San Diego area scene along with bands like Amenity and Struggle. A lot has been made of them being the "P.C. police", and that they became anti-moshing at shows, but one thing can't be denied, and it's that Downcast wrote some great metallic hardcore songs. I tend to have a great love for bands that are heavily political, and Downcast fit into that quite nicely. They did a US tour with Born Against and Rorschach, and from what I've read, they played Portland, but that was a year or two before I really started going to shows.
The self titled 7" from Downcast was also the first release from Ebullition Records, and accompanied issues of the No Answers fanzine that was put out by Kent McClard, who later went onto do the HeartattaCk fanzine as well. After the first 3,000 issues, the 7" and zine were separated into their own autonomous products. In an interesting not about Ebullition #1, I pulled this from Wikipedia:
"Los Angeles hardcore band Inside Out was meant to record an LP as the first Ebullition release. However, Revelation Records asked them to release a 7" instead, and the band chose the more established label."
self titled 7" [Ebullition Records 1990]
Downcast then released a full length on Ebullition as well, followed by a tour of Europe. This is the first version of the LP (Ebullition #3). After the first pressing (3,000 copies) the LP was re-mixed and re-mastered. The re-mixed and re-mastered version was released as Ebullition #6. If I come across a copy of the re-mixed version someday, I'll rip that and upload it as well.
self titled LP [Ebullition Records 1991]
After Downcast broke up, the various members went on to form Not For The Lack of Trying, Jara, and Born & Raised. Ebullition was touting the release of a Downcast discography around 2004/2005, but nothing has materialized as of yet.
The self titled 7" from Downcast was also the first release from Ebullition Records, and accompanied issues of the No Answers fanzine that was put out by Kent McClard, who later went onto do the HeartattaCk fanzine as well. After the first 3,000 issues, the 7" and zine were separated into their own autonomous products. In an interesting not about Ebullition #1, I pulled this from Wikipedia:
"Los Angeles hardcore band Inside Out was meant to record an LP as the first Ebullition release. However, Revelation Records asked them to release a 7" instead, and the band chose the more established label."

self titled 7" [Ebullition Records 1990]
Downcast then released a full length on Ebullition as well, followed by a tour of Europe. This is the first version of the LP (Ebullition #3). After the first pressing (3,000 copies) the LP was re-mixed and re-mastered. The re-mixed and re-mastered version was released as Ebullition #6. If I come across a copy of the re-mixed version someday, I'll rip that and upload it as well.

self titled LP [Ebullition Records 1991]
After Downcast broke up, the various members went on to form Not For The Lack of Trying, Jara, and Born & Raised. Ebullition was touting the release of a Downcast discography around 2004/2005, but nothing has materialized as of yet.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Life's Blood
Life's Blood started circa 1987, and weren't really around for very long, but they had a great sound going with their mix of NYHC and some elements of Oi/street punk (not to mention their politics). Most notable is probably their song "Never Make a Change", which was supposedly a major calling out of Youth of Today. Adam Nathanson, and Neil Burke also went on to form the legendary (and in my top 10 bands of all time) Born Against.
Even though there were 2,144 of them pressed in 1996, I rarely see Life's Blood's discography cd for sale, but a few years ago, I happened across a copy in a used dollar bin. The only catch was that it didn't have the original case, or the layout. Since I never see these up for sale, and I always loved my copy of the 7", I snatched it up. This discography cd contains the demo, the Defiance 7", numerous comp tracks and some live stuff. Life's Blood were a true classic of NYHC, so download this and enjoy!
Life's Blood - Discography
Vermiform Records [1996]
Even though there were 2,144 of them pressed in 1996, I rarely see Life's Blood's discography cd for sale, but a few years ago, I happened across a copy in a used dollar bin. The only catch was that it didn't have the original case, or the layout. Since I never see these up for sale, and I always loved my copy of the 7", I snatched it up. This discography cd contains the demo, the Defiance 7", numerous comp tracks and some live stuff. Life's Blood were a true classic of NYHC, so download this and enjoy!

Vermiform Records [1996]
Monday, September 29, 2008
I don't have much information about Fault at all, except that they were from New Hampshire, and that this 7" is really good. This record came out in 1997 on Words of War Records (who have been back up and running for a couple of years now), and has 4 tracks of heavy hardcore that could musically be compared to the likes of Unconquered. If anyone has more info about this band, or knows of any other releases they put out, please get in touch, because I would love to get educated.
Fault - self titled
Words of War Records [1997]

Words of War Records [1997]
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
It has now been confirmed that Trial will be playing a show in Chicago in April of '09, and that is news that makes me very happy. There's going to be a book coming out called Burning Fight, that is all about 90s hardcore, and a show is being organized to coincide with its release. Disembodied, and Unbroken had already confirmed, with Undertow apparently being close to confirming as well, and then the news of Trial confirming came along to knock me on my ass. Suffice to say, these knees that have been disagreeing with me for years will be dragged out onto the floor one more time, and will see some epic stage diving time as well. I don't want to sit here for an hour, and expound upon what Trial has meant to my life as a band, so if you'd like, you can go read this blog that I wrote on myspace shortly after the reunion shows of 2005.
Now onto some of the more rare Trial recordings. First up is the Trial demo tape from early 1995. They recorded this in January of '95, and then broke up for a brief period of time, got back together a couple of months later, and realized that kids were into the demo. The recording isn't as tight as Trial came to be known for, but the raw emotion in the songs is still very present.
I'm not sure how many were made, but here's the cover of the demo tape version:
And now onto the "I'm Still Screaming" live 7" that was put out by Division Recordings out of Tacoma, WA. Division Recordings was one of the labels done by Ross from Last Man Standing and Stay Gold. He was always a rad dude, and he put out some great records for some NWHC bands that otherwise might not have been heard outside our little corner of the nation. It's not listed in the liner notes, but this 7" was recorded at the RCKCNDY in Seattle if I remember correctly. It features the OG Trial lineup, which leads me to believe that it must have been recorded in 1998, although the record itself didn't come out until 1999. Technically, this 7" is Division Recordings #4, but since this is Trial we're talking about here, it's really Division #4.3

There was also a "Martin Audio Can Suck It" press that came out due to a problem at the cover printing plant (Ross also had an issue with the printing shop for the covers of the Left With Nothing 7"), and was limited to 75 copies.
Timm re-released Through The Darkest Days and Foundation onto one cd a couple years ago, and is now repressing Are These Our Lives? on vinyl, so head over to Panic Records, and order them!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Definitely Not The Majors

Definitely Not The Majors was one more in the long line of incredible compilation cds that came out in the 90s. This comp showcases some of the best heavy bands that hardcore had to offer in that era. At the time that this came out, all of the songs were reputed to be unreleased.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Someone was reading my mind when they suggested that I post some Overcast in honor of their new record that just came out. Overcast only played Portland once, but the tour package was incredible, and it still sits as one of my all time favorite shows
Forming in 1991, Overcast were one of the true innovators of 90s hardcore/metal, or as they preferred to call themselves, Devilcore. They first released a 7" called Bleed Into One, which I still don't have a copy of, but it was re-released as the bonus tracks on the re-released version of Expectational Dilution (which originally came out on Endless Fight in 1994) that was put out by Edison Recordings in 1997.
Then came a 7" called Stirring The Killer on Inner Rage Records from France in 1992. It features two songs that would later be re-recorded a couple of times, but they still sound excellent on this early release
1996 saw the release of two more 7"s from Overcast. First was the split 7" with Arise on Moo Cow Records. In all seriousness, Moo Cow deserves legendary status. Jim put out so many awesome records in the 90s, and I bought up just about every single one. If you're unfamiliar, got check out the labels discography here:
After that split 7" came the Begging For Indifference 7" on Edison Recordings. This record featured two of their best and heaviest songs to date.
In 1998, Overcast released the Fight Ambition To Kill full length on Edison, and mounted a full US tour. I still have the tour shirt that I bought when they played Portland, and I'm holding out hope that I'll be able to see them again sometime. They just released a cd called Reborn To Kill Again on Century Media, and it features 12 re-recorded classics, and two previously unrecorded tracks. Some of those old songs sound heavier than ever on this new release, but it also completely maintains the integrity of their old sound. I highly suggest picking it up when you can. The damn thing still hasn't left my car cd player in over a week and a half.
You can still purchase both Expectational Dilution, and Fight Ambition To Kill from Very Distro. While we're on the subject, I'd just like to mention that Very Distro is by far my favorite of all distros. I've been purchasing from them since the print catalog days of the mid 90s when I was still in high school, and they have always been super fast with filling their orders, super easy to deal with, and they always seem to send me all kinds of awesome extras with my order. I still make large orders from them about once a year, and they still pull through just as well as they did 10-15 years ago, before internet ordering. Not only that, but they also get huge bonus points for putting out some of the heaviest bands of the 90s via their label Edison Recordings: Overcast, Disembodied, Starkweather and Acme.

Then came a 7" called Stirring The Killer on Inner Rage Records from France in 1992. It features two songs that would later be re-recorded a couple of times, but they still sound excellent on this early release

1996 saw the release of two more 7"s from Overcast. First was the split 7" with Arise on Moo Cow Records. In all seriousness, Moo Cow deserves legendary status. Jim put out so many awesome records in the 90s, and I bought up just about every single one. If you're unfamiliar, got check out the labels discography here:

After that split 7" came the Begging For Indifference 7" on Edison Recordings. This record featured two of their best and heaviest songs to date.

In 1998, Overcast released the Fight Ambition To Kill full length on Edison, and mounted a full US tour. I still have the tour shirt that I bought when they played Portland, and I'm holding out hope that I'll be able to see them again sometime. They just released a cd called Reborn To Kill Again on Century Media, and it features 12 re-recorded classics, and two previously unrecorded tracks. Some of those old songs sound heavier than ever on this new release, but it also completely maintains the integrity of their old sound. I highly suggest picking it up when you can. The damn thing still hasn't left my car cd player in over a week and a half.
You can still purchase both Expectational Dilution, and Fight Ambition To Kill from Very Distro. While we're on the subject, I'd just like to mention that Very Distro is by far my favorite of all distros. I've been purchasing from them since the print catalog days of the mid 90s when I was still in high school, and they have always been super fast with filling their orders, super easy to deal with, and they always seem to send me all kinds of awesome extras with my order. I still make large orders from them about once a year, and they still pull through just as well as they did 10-15 years ago, before internet ordering. Not only that, but they also get huge bonus points for putting out some of the heaviest bands of the 90s via their label Edison Recordings: Overcast, Disembodied, Starkweather and Acme.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Hard Stance
Zack De La Rocha was never straight edge, right? So, he must have never actually played lead guitar for Hard Stance, right? Riiiiiiiiight. Before he sang for Inside Out, and long before the commercially viable days of Rage Against The Machine, Zack played guitar for Hard Stance. In the late 80s, Hard Stance were a great straight edge band that shared the stage with the likes of Insted, No For An Answer, Chain of Strength, Uniform Choice and many more.
This cd compiles the two 7"s that Hard Stance put out. I'm not sure what they had as far as a demo, or any possible comp tracks, so I can't say for sure if this is a complete discography or not. However, I'm guessing they didn't do any remixing, or remastering for this cd, because the tracks sound pretty much exactly the same as they do on the two 7"s that I own.
Hard Stance
s/t [Conversion Records, 1994]
This cd compiles the two 7"s that Hard Stance put out. I'm not sure what they had as far as a demo, or any possible comp tracks, so I can't say for sure if this is a complete discography or not. However, I'm guessing they didn't do any remixing, or remastering for this cd, because the tracks sound pretty much exactly the same as they do on the two 7"s that I own.

s/t [Conversion Records, 1994]
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
I've now added a Cbox over there to the side of the page. Feel free to use it to make requests, and to let me know if a file needs to be re-uploaded. I get a lot of emails while I'm at work, and that makes it all too easy for me to forget about them. With requests sitting right there on the side of the page, I think it will be much easier for me to keep on top of things to the best of my abilities.
Monday, August 18, 2008
What can I say? I LOVE mid 90s metalcore! Method reigned from Milwaukee, WI, and were creating some pretty wicked riffs for the era. Living on the West Coast, I never really gathered a ton of information on these guys, but my friend Parker helped fill in a few holes when I saw him a couple of years ago here in Portland. Apparently one of Method's guitar players had a nickname of Survivor, which he gained by riding a bike across state lines to attend a hardline gathering. The same guitar player also served briefly as an original member of Killtheslavemaster.
I got Method's 5 song cdep from my friend Sam, who ran a straight edge distro (both music and shirts) out of Spokane in the mid 90s.

Self Titled cdep
self released 1996
It seemed as though their follow up 7" really flew under the radar even more than their cdep did. However, I ordered this through the Initial Records catalog in 1997. I really miss the Initial print catalog. I used to order just about anything from that catalog that had a pentagram next to the record title. This 7" has two songs.
Self Titled 7"
self released 1997
From what I've been told, this is all that Method released, aside from a poor sounding demo that I still haven't managed to ever get my hands on.
I got Method's 5 song cdep from my friend Sam, who ran a straight edge distro (both music and shirts) out of Spokane in the mid 90s.

self released 1996
It seemed as though their follow up 7" really flew under the radar even more than their cdep did. However, I ordered this through the Initial Records catalog in 1997. I really miss the Initial print catalog. I used to order just about anything from that catalog that had a pentagram next to the record title. This 7" has two songs.

self released 1997
From what I've been told, this is all that Method released, aside from a poor sounding demo that I still haven't managed to ever get my hands on.
Sunday, August 3, 2008

Lost and Found Records
This cd contains all of the material that Undertow recorded with Joel on vocals, as well as 3 tracks with John on vocals, and then a very peculiar final track. Here's how it breaks down in the liner notes:
Tracks 1 & 2 - Undertow/Resolution split 7"
Tracks 3-6 - Demo '91
Track 7 - Words To Live By comp 7"
Track 8 - previously unreleased (from the same recording session as track 7)
Tracks 9 & 10 - no info
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
long time, no post
I've had a handful of things going on lately, which includes: working hard on the Unrestrained 7" that should be out sometime in August, playing some wicked slowpitch softball games and installing a new OS onto my computer. Things should probably be back to normal in a week or so, and the uploads will start flowing again.
Monday, June 2, 2008
National Guard
A big name from my early teenage years is going to be doing a reunion show in less than two weeks, and in honor of that, I've decided to dedicate a post to them...National Guard! From 1994 - 1996, National Guard played hardcore punk in the Portland area. They received some airplay on Punk Uprisings, and also had a centerfold interview in MRR once. Members from NG went on to form Backside Disaster, which can be downloaded from a few posts prior.
I don't have cover scans for the demo tapes, but here they are:
Demo 1994 (or possibly early 1995. Matt was unsure.)
Green Berets: War Heroes, Hard Asses [demo 1995]
Star Spangled Losers! 7"
One Big Happy Slam Pit [2 tracks]
Redrafted [unreleased full length from 1996]
This link will only last until June 14th. This was the last National Guard recording from 1996, and features 20 songs. They released it in mp3 format in preparation for the reunion show. The only bummer is the abysmal 96kb rate that it was ripped at.
From '94 - '96, National Guard shows were always so much fun. Circle pits like a mother fucker!
I don't have cover scans for the demo tapes, but here they are:
Demo 1994 (or possibly early 1995. Matt was unsure.)
Green Berets: War Heroes, Hard Asses [demo 1995]
Redrafted [unreleased full length from 1996]
This link will only last until June 14th. This was the last National Guard recording from 1996, and features 20 songs. They released it in mp3 format in preparation for the reunion show. The only bummer is the abysmal 96kb rate that it was ripped at.
From '94 - '96, National Guard shows were always so much fun. Circle pits like a mother fucker!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Chain Of Strength
Maybe it's just me, but the Chain Of Strength remix/re-issue fell short in a few regards. It wasn't necessarily the overall sound, but it had more to do with all of the instrument parts that they cut out, or altered. I decided to go ahead and rip my 7"s that I have.
True Till Death
This rip comes from my green vinyl copy from the first press.
What Holds Us Apart
I have two copies of this 7". One is on First Strike Records out of Europe, and one is on Mindpower Records. I ripped the Mindpower Records version, which is technically just the 2nd press of the Foundation Records version.
Most of you probably already have the One Thing That Still Holds True cd that Revelation put out back in like 96 or 97. Listen to these tracks, and then listen to the re-issue cd, and you'll be able to hear plenty of differences.

This rip comes from my green vinyl copy from the first press.

I have two copies of this 7". One is on First Strike Records out of Europe, and one is on Mindpower Records. I ripped the Mindpower Records version, which is technically just the 2nd press of the Foundation Records version.
Most of you probably already have the One Thing That Still Holds True cd that Revelation put out back in like 96 or 97. Listen to these tracks, and then listen to the re-issue cd, and you'll be able to hear plenty of differences.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
No For An Answer / Carry Nation

Love him, or hate him, there's no denying that Dan O'Mahony has created quite a legacy for himself in hardcore over the years. Along with the material he released with 411, these are two of his more legendary releases.
No For An Answer - A Though Crusade
Carry Nation - Face The Nation
Monday, May 12, 2008
The Best of Nemesis Live

I was about to rip my No Control At The Country Club 7", when I remembered that I had this cd in my collection downstairs. This cd compiles the 3 live comp 7"s that came out on Nemesis in 89/90, and has some of my all time favorite bands on it.

As request by a few people, here's the Chalkline full length that came out in 1998 on Shandle Records.
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