There was some great hardcore coming out of Souther California in the early 90s, and Amenity were definitely one of the best. Along with the likes of Downcast, and Struggle, they were really pushing a lot of politics to the forefront. One of the great mysteries of Amenity, for me, is why the bass player was also in the original lineup of Vegan Reich...bummer.
cheers justin for this excellent post. i believe the singer was also in forced down?
If that's true, I've been completely unaware this entire time. I should go downstairs and check out my Forced Down records to confirm, because FD ruled pretty hard too. I think EMS just posted their discography cd on Coregasm not too long ago.
Is there any way you can repost this? I have been Jonesing for this. And yes Mike Down was in Forced Down as well.. And Barry the drummer was in a bunch of bands...
Wow.. thanks for this. Was really into this band in the early '90s.. I've got a nice red 7" of 'This Is Our Struggle' around somewhere...
i saw the reunion recently at gilman with ANCHOR and 7 GENERATION
im really sorry to report that they were completely horrible.
really seriously bad.
really bad.
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